Residential building:
4 spaces and 2 additional spaces
Summer house: 8 spaces and 2 additional spaces
22.40 EUR per person
A child up to 12 years:
half price
The price includes
accommodation, breakfast and using sauna.
Price agreed for usage of room with a fireplace and kitchen
room of the summer house has room for 20 people.
Extra services:
Camping: 4.50 EUR per tent (includes
using the outhouse)
Using the shower: 1.60 EUR per person
2 caravan spaces: 12.80 EUR each (includes electricity, outhouse
and shower).
Picnic house for summer period up to 30 persons: 16.00 EUR per hour
(the price includes the place for campfire together with garden furniture, sheltered grill, cooking stove and smokebox, outhouse, playground, swings and sandpits)
Hiking guide agreed beforehand. See
the hiking trails |